
14 Antworten zu Spotting

  1. Ranessa schreibt:

    Wow. EXCELLENT st-romeof-consciausness all-over-the-map post, I love it! And thank you for finally acknowledging your many male readers, even though it’s still in the context of scoring hot babes. My only fear is that some of the women and girlfriends of these guys won’t know you made up the “We Love Women With Big Butts” sub-committee and you will have caused several major fights across the country!


  2. Με διδακτορικό και δυο ξένες γλώσσες τον προηγούμενο μήνα μου καθάρισε ως μπλοκάκιας 200 Ευρώ με ταμεία 500 το μήνα τα οποία πρέπει να πληρώσω εγώ, το πως δεν το ξέρω. Στη δουλειά μου τα προσόντα μου τα χρησιμοποιώ. Τώρα ψάχνω κάτι άλλο. Μακάρι να είχα κι εγώ 1000 Ευρώ και τα ταμεία πληρωμένα.


  3. please help-cannot get this to work with windows- GPSBabel only has input as a file with no device output (via usb) -but will work other way ’round; eg can import from Garmin, which is the opposite of what I want!


  4. that, the Spanish scene has hardly been the subject of the amount of exposure it would seem to warrant, in the English-speaking markets, at least. Anyway, an enjoyable read but, too much Alan Moore and not enough Davy Law.


  5. It is interesting stuff. For someone new to the business the amount of stats and information can be quite a shock to the system yet at the same time having all this information and knowing how you use it right is very powerful.


  6. This is valuable information! It goes right into my files. All of this needs to be part of that book on this journey you've been in. There is no substitute for hearing from one who has already been there, and there is so much practical everyday advice here. Another thing I LOVE about you… you are so down to earth and real, yet your foundation in the Lord is so secure. What a precious combination! xo


  7. All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.


  8. (62) putz(90) putz(92) putz(97) putz(100) susan why don’t we just call him a putz?(107) putzHey putz enough of your useless comments and insults. Give it up already. Why don’t you just pour yourself a nice tall glass of STFU and go back “Observing”.


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  11. a full-on Nazi uniform, with swastika pins and everything. I assumed it was just for some WWII-era comic charactersFun fact: In Japan it’s called “Nazi Chic” and has more to do with the Nazis’ keen fashion sense than it does with comic books. Hugo Bossâ„¢: Blitzkrieg in Style.


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